est. 1991

Increasing engagement, reach and conversions on your business Facebook page

A Facebook Page is where customers go to discover and engage with your business. Setting up a Page is simple and free, and it looks great on both desktop and mobile, so you can meet customers on any device.

With a Facebook Page, you can manage all aspects of your business to keep customers updated, publish, and promote content, connect people with your products and deliver seamless customer service experiences.

Here are some tips to make your Facebook page better work to help you reach more customers, engage more with these customers and help you grow your business.

1. Optimise your page

Input all the necessary information, including a detailed description of your business and the benefits you deliver your customers, contact information such as your business address, office telephone number, mobile number and email, website link and your business hours. Use high quality images for your profile picture and cover photo that align with your brand and could include your business logo, an image of your team, premises, products, or services. 


2. Post engaging content

If you’ve got content that will benefit and engage your target audiences aim to post at a minimum of 3 to 5 times per week. To help you’re here develop a monthly / 3 monthly / 6 monthly / annual content calendar which could include the offering and value your business provides your audiences, profiles of your team, customer testimonials / reviews, and offers or deals on your products or services. Use a mix of short text, 3 lines will be enough, images and video to engage your audience and include a call a call to action to call or visit your website or premises.

3. Know your audience

Who are your target audience, where do they live, what are their interests, preferences, and behaviors. Develop your content with their needs in mind and engage with them through posts and responding to their comments and messages. Encourage interactions by asking them questions or requesting they share their experiences, images with through your posts.

4. Utilise Facebook Insights

To help you gain valuable information on your page’s performance. Monitor metrics such as reach, engagement and audience demographics. This data can help you better understand what content appeals to your audience and develop and refine your content moving forward.

5. Build a community with Facebook Groups

Participate in relevant Facebook groups to connect with potential customers and industry peers that share similar interests to you. Be helpful, share valuable insights and try not to be overly promotional. This can help you grow brand presence and establish yourself as an authority in your field who’s advise people will seek.

6. Run contests and giveaways

To generate excitement and engagement on your Facebook page. Encourage people to like, comment or share your posts to enter. Offer attractive and desirable prizes or an offer to attract participation and increase brand visibility.

7. Use Facebook Ads

To target specific demographics, interests, or locations. Facebook’s advertising platform provides good targeting options to help you promote or boost specific posts to create targeted messages to reach your ideal customers.

8. Encourage reviews

By asking customers to leave reviews on your Facebook page. Positive reviews can enhance your credibility and attract new customers. Respond to reviews, both positive and negative, in a timely, personal and professional manner.

9. Cross promote

By promoting your Facebook page on other marketing channels, such as your website, email newsletters, business cards and other social media platforms. Encourage your target audience to stay up to date with your business, receive early notifications of information, events, products or services, by following and engaging with your Facebook page.

10. Collaborate with employees

Encourage your staff to engage with your Facebook page by liking, sharing and commenting on your posts. Their involvement can help you increase your reach and engagement, particularly if they have a substantial personal network.

11. Monitor and respond to feedback

Address customer enquiries, concerns, and feedback promptly and professionally. This demonstrates your commitment to customer services and helps build trusts and your business reputation.

12. Engage with influencers

By partnering with relevant businesses in your industry or high profile people in your community to reach a wider audience. These businesses or people can influence other people by making them aware of your business, getting them to purchase your products or services or simply giving your business greater visibility and credibility.

If you need advice or help to make your Facebook page or other social media pages work better to grow your business, by reaching and engaging with more of your customers, we’d love to opportunity to catch and discuss what is possible. 

Let’s get down to business! 

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