Get your message right
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Get your message right – determine who your customers are, where they come from, and develop your key messages or best reasons that would appeal to and benefit them.
Your marketing message lets your business communicate to your target customers, promoting who you are, what you do, why you’re different and the value you deliver.
It is estimated that people are exposed to up to 5,000 marketing messages per day – from advertising across their televisions, laptops, desktops, smart phones, radios, signage, emails, magazines, retail stores and wherever they engage in their community.
With so many marketing messages fighting for the attention of your target customers, is your current marketing message standing out to grab their attention?
A good marketing message needs to be engaging, succinct, memorable, and evoke action.
How can you refine your marketing message to appeal to more customers, more often?
At dtb! Advertising we have worked with the Sunshine Coast’s largest theme park Aussie World to promote their marketing message ‘fun’s our thing’.
Families from across the Sunshine Coast and north Brisbane are Aussie World’s primary audience. The focus on promoting the value messaging of a full day out for all the family, with over 30+ rides and attractions from just $34 per person, has worked to create and promote a memorable fun experience for this key family customer market.
Special offers at key trading times i.e. Family Pass from just $99 have been used to create excitement amongst this key audience to visit or revisit Aussie World.
Targeted marketing messages have been advertised across television, radio, billboard signage, events, social media and digital to reach more customers and measured against ticket sales to achieve a greater return on marketing investment.
Photography, videography and copywriting has worked to present to and appeal to key target customer groups from families to young teens.

Focus on solutions. Highlight the benefits of your product or service that solves a customer’s pain point, need or problem. Shout out to customers that ‘I’m a problem solver’ or ‘I’m your solution’, to give your marketing message a better chance of getting noticed.
Keep your message simple. Make it easy for customers to understand what you are offering. Promote the key benefits your business provides. Focus on the value you deliver, as customers will be asking ‘what’s in it for me?’
Stand apart from your competition. What do you offer that makes your customers choose to buy from you and not your competition? Determining your competitive advantage helps to promote the value you deliver your customers, which will make them care about what you do or provide for them.
Highlight what is fresh and new about your business. Create excitement among potential and existing customers who are attracted to products and services that are new and different. Give them reasons to come and try or retry your products or services.
Add proof points. A proof point backs up what you have to say about your business. It focuses on your customers experience with your business. Proof points include customer quotes, reviews, case studies and references. They show how your business has solved a customer’s pain point, need or problem. A case study can present the customers challenge or problem, the solution you delivered and the results or value the customer gained.
Tap into human emotion. Words and images in your message should convey how the customer will feel when they engage with your product or service. When customers feel you understand and care for them more than your competitors do, their commitment, loyalty and advocacy for your product or service will soar.

Be flexible with your marketing message. Different versions of your marketing message can be applied across different media platforms. Shorter versions of your message can be used across social media, advertising, elevator pitches or sound bites in marketing collateral. Longer versions can be extended with specific services, benefits, case studies, testimonials and used across your website, capability statement, business proposals and marketing materials.
Use your messaging consistently. Once you have developed your marketing message, ensure every customer communication point in your business is saying the same thing, from your front desk, your sales team, website, social media, capability statement, advertising and marketing materials. The more your customers hear it, the more likely it will resonate and stick.
Is your business on message to stand out and add value to your customers?
Contact our specialist team today on (07) 5458 5600 to discuss how we can help get your message right: let’s get down to business!