est. 1991

Getting social is good for business!

Getting social is good for business!

No business can afford to ignore social media as part of their marketing mix.

At the same time though, most small to medium sized businesses do not have the resources or time to work across all the social media networks on offer.

To get the best results from social media, businesses should look to be active across 1 or 2, 3 at most, social media networks.

This focus allows you to best prepare content to better engage with your targeted audiences.

18 million Australians or 72% of the population are active social media users.

Facebook and YouTube are by far Australia’s most popular social media platforms, although image sharing sites Instagram and Pinterest have grown the fastest in recent years.

16.5 million Australians active on Facebook – that is 60% of our total population of 25 million.

1 in 2 Australians use Facebook daily, which provides a huge opportunity for businesses to get in front of existing and potential customers.

Facebook posts with videos have the highest engagement rate.

Video is our 2nd our most popular social media with over 15 million Australians visiting the YouTube website every month.

1 in 2 Australian use YouTube, whilst 1 in 3 use Instagram and 1 in 4 use Snapchat.

Snapchat has grown significantly in Australia and now have 6.3 million monthly active users and 4.5 million daily active users in Australia.

LinkedIn now reports there are 10 million + registered users in Australia. According to our research – just over half of this number log in every month.

A large proportion of the Chinese community in Australia use Chinese social media tools like WeChat, RenRen and Weibo and these networks are growing.

Social Media Statistics Australia – November 2020

1. Facebook – 16,500,000 Monthly Active Australian Users
2. YouTube – 16,000,000 Unique Australian Visitors per month
3. Instagram – 9,000,000 Monthly Active Australian Users 
4. WhatsApp – 8,000,000 Active Australian Users
5. LinkedIn – 6,500,000 Monthly Active Australian Users
6. Snapchat – 6,400,000 Monthly Active Australian Users
7. – 6,100,000
8. Twitter – 5,800,000 Monthly Active Australian Users
9. Tinder – 4,000,000 Australian users 
10. Tumblr – 3,700,000
11. WeChat – 2,900,000 Monthly Active Australian Users
12. TripAdvisor – 2,800,000
13. Yelp – 1,500,000
14. Blogspot- 1,200,000
15. TikTok – 1,100,000
16. Flickr – 450,000
17. Pinterest – 290,000
18. Reddit – 110,000
19. MySpace – 70,000
20. RenRen – 70,000 Monthly Active Australian Users
21. StumbleUpon – 39,000
22. Weibo – 35,000 Monthly Active Australian Users
23. Foursquare/Swarm – 10,000
24. Digg – 10,000
25. Periscope – 9,000
26. Delicious – 7,000


Facebook is strong across generations, but Generation Z prefers YouTube.

The majority of Australians in every generation or age group use Facebook – the only social media network with that level of penetration.

Generation Y (24-39 years) and Generation X (40-55 years) are the highest users of Facebook with over 80% of Facebook users aged between 18 and 55 years.

Facebook is also the most popular social media network for Baby Boomers (56-74 years) with 86% of them active on Facebook. 65% of Pre-Boomers aged at least 72 years use Facebook.

YouTube has displaced Facebook as the leading social media network for Generation Z, with 89% of Australians aged 14-27 years old visiting in an average four weeks.

Over two-thirds of Generation Z (68%) and a majority of Generation Y (52%) use Instagram in an average four weeks compared to under a third of Generation X (32%), under a sixth of Baby Boomers (15%) and 7% of Pre-Boomers.

Facebook Demographics in Australia

Age bracket


Number of users


Tips for awesome social media posts!

  • Know your audience – understand who they are and what their pain points are
  • Speak their language – outline how you can benefit them
  • Use pictures to tell your story – help put them in the picture
  • Tell your own or your customer stories – show you’re honest, real and care
  • Have a call to action – guide them to take the next step
  • Keep it short – quickly get to the point 

Statistic Sources: and 

For more information contact (07) 5458 5600.