est. 1991

Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads

Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads

When considering advertising for your business, comparing Facebook Ads and Google Ads (now known as Google Ads) is essential. Each platform has unique strengths, targeting capabilities, and advertising formats that cater to different business goals and audiences.

Here’s a comprehensive comparison.

Audience Reach and Targeting

Targeting Capabilities 

Facebook offers highly detailed targeting options based on demographics, interests, behaviours, and even life events. Custom Audiences can be created from existing customer data, website traffic, or app activity, and Lookalike Audiences can help find new potential customers like your existing ones.

Platform Users

Ideal for businesses targeting a broad or specific consumer audience. Facebook’s integration with Instagram extends reach to a visually oriented user base.

Targeting Capabilities

Google Ads targets users based on keywords they are searching for, making it highly effective for capturing intent. Additionally, it offers targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviours across the Google Display Network and YouTube.


Platform Users

Suitable for businesses targeting users actively searching for products or services. Google’s extensive network includes search results, YouTube, Gmail, and partner sites.

Ad Formats


Image, video, carousel, slideshow, collection, instant experience, lead ads, and stories.

Creative Flexibility

Allows for highly visual and interactive ad formats that encourage engagement and brand storytelling.


Text ads, responsive ads, shopping ads, image ads, video ads, and app promotion ads.

Search Intent

Text ads appear on search engine results pages (SERPs), while display and video ads can appear on partner sites and YouTube, targeting users with specific interests or previous interactions with your site.

Cost and Pricing Models

Cost Structure

Cost-Per-Click, Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions, and  Cost-Per-Action. Bidding can be automatic or manual.


Generally, more cost-effective for brand awareness and engagement campaigns. However, costs can vary depending on the industry and competition.

Cost Structure

Cost-Per-Click, Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions, and  Cost-Per-Action. Offers manual and automated bidding strategies to optimise campaign performance.


Can be more expensive, especially for competitive keywords. Effective for driving immediate, high-intent traffic but requires careful keyword management to control costs.

Campaign Objectives and Performance


Brand awareness, engagement, traffic, lead generation, app installs, video views, and sales.


Strong for building brand loyalty, community engagement, and nurturing leads through retargeting.


Primarily focused on driving direct response actions such as clicks, conversions, and sales.


Highly effective for capturing high-intent users actively searching for specific products or services.

Analytics and Reporting


Facebook Ads Manager provides detailed insights into ad performance, audience engagement, and conversion tracking.


Allows for various attribution models to understand the customer journey and the impact of ads on conversions.


Google Ads Dashboard offers comprehensive analytics, keyword performance data, and integration with Google Analytics for in-depth insights.


Provides multiple attribution models, helping to track the effectiveness of ads throughout the conversion path.

User Experience and Management

Ease of Use

User-friendly interface with robust creative tools and guided campaign setup.


Suitable for both beginners and experienced advertisers. Ad creation and management are straightforward, with extensive resources and support available.

Ease of Use

More complex due to the depth of targeting and bidding options. Requires more time to master, especially for managing keywords and optimising bids.


Better suited for experienced advertisers or those with dedicated resources for campaign management.


Facebook Ads are excellent for businesses aiming to build brand awareness, engage with a specific audience, and leverage visually rich and interactive ad formats. They are particularly effective for B2C companies looking to create a loyal customer base through targeted social media marketing.

Google Ads are ideal for businesses aiming to capture high-intent traffic and drive immediate conversions. They are especially powerful for e-commerce and service-based businesses targeting users actively searching for specific products or services.

Ultimately, the choice between Facebook Ads and Google Ads should be based on your specific business goals, target audience, and budget. Many businesses find success using a combination of both platforms to maximize reach and effectiveness across different stages of the customer journey.


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